🔎臉書連結🔎印度好麗節 The Grand Holi Taipei 2019
“印度好麗節HOLI “印度三大節慶之一, 為歡慶春天到來且祈福來年豐收的節日,當天到處呈現一片瘋狂的七彩絢麗,不僅人變彩色的,動物🐶🐷或街道也變彩色的!!人們會將五顏六色的顏料向彼此身上或加入水調合相亙噴模,在臉上,在手上或衣服上,無所不能噴,無處不能塗。並互相擁抱、跳舞慶祝,高喊: Happy Holi 🌈🌈
HOLI 在台北已舉辦多年,每年都吸引上千印度人及台灣民眾參與。今年3月9日一樣在【永和綠光河岸公園】舉辦。現場有專業寶萊塢舞蹈表演,大家一起唱歌跳舞同樂並可以水彩塗抹朋友身上祈福,當天以園遊會模式將原汁原味提供各式印度到地美食及印度奶茶等…..
👉活動時間 :3月09號11:30-16:30
👉票卷內容:每張票 NT200!!
1.請穿著白色T shirt ,待當天「瘋狂使用」後即可丟棄或留下紀念
The most awaited and exciting event of the year, Holi is back in 2019 with a bang.
Out of India Restaurant has been conducting and collaborating to make Holi one of the biggest event in Taiwan since 7 years, after the huge success of each Holi, this year we have decided to take Holi onto a whole new level.
Holi also known as the "festival of colors" or the "festival of love" has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad',a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.The colorful festival bridges the social gap and renew sweet relationships. On this day, people hug and wish each other 'Happy Holi'
Event Includes :
🔅Bollywood DJ
🔅Water Colors (Gulal)
🔅Water guns
🔅Mouth watering Indian food stalls
🔅Dance performances by famous groups
🔅Outdoor Fun activities with a huge open area to dance and play with colors
Join us as we welcome the arrival of spring with a burst of colour on 09th march 2019 at Green River Park 綠光河岸公園 from 11:00 - 16:00.
Grab your tickets for 200 NT only,Ticket includes ( Entry, water colour & Indian lunch box) .
Hurry up.. Get your Holi tickets Today !